Jan 14, 2012

The Next Tween Star: Benn C.

Move over Mitchel Musso and Drake Bell. Let me introduce y'all to Benn C. He is a skateboarding, bicycling, drumming, guitar playing, talented tween named Benn who knows how to pose! I can totally see him on any Nickelodeon or Disney show in the near future. Just remember when he gets famous that you saw him here first!

When I met Benn he had it all planned out - from what he would wear down to what he was going to do. He is very outgoing, energetic, and loves his Momma. She makes an appearance in a couple of shots as well. Well, I think I pretty much captured his personality in these pictures. Oh and I can't forget to mention how goofy he can be too ;-) You will see that side of him as well. Ok enough talking... Let the photographs speak for themselves.

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