Nov 27, 2009

My nephew is rockin' the blog!

I am finally getting a chance to put the images up from J's photoshoot. I had so many great shot's from his shoot that I had to really narrow it down for the blog. I know I say that all the time but it's true. If you haven't seen his sneak peek yet then click here to check it out. I am biased since he is my nephew but I have to say...what a handsome guy he is!! He could totally model too! See for yourself.

Okay I have to say he looks just like Rocky Balboa in this shot!

I wonder what he's looking at and thinking about? hmmmmm

It was this!
I could not believe it but when I looked up from my camera he jumped up and climbed on this field goal! Then he was dangling from it! So I had to get a shot of it!

A perfect place for a "Multiple Me", I thought.

To finish this post I wanted to share my favorite shot of him with his momma.

I had such a fun time taking your pictures J!

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